With over 80% of its territory covered by mountains, Montenegro has a power system supplied mainly via mountain power lines. This can easily be seen from anywhere in the country. Look at…

G-PST Research Summit, Copenhagen
It is hard to believe that this stunning photo from a 65-meter-high offshore wind turbine…

Power Systems Computation Conference 2024, Paris
The Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) is a significant event in the field of power…

Siemens Energy Manchester
This summer I had the opportunity to visit Siemens Energy office in Manchester. The tour…

IEEE PowerTech 2023 conference, Belgrade
PowerTech 2023 was the second PowerTech conference that I have participated in. Compared to the…

UKERC Energy Summer School 2023, Newcastle
This June I travelled to Newcastle for the first time to take part in the…

The University of Edinburgh
Having travelled to Edinburgh for a few days, I couldn’t miss visiting the University of…

University of Manchester High Voltage Lab
Walking down Grosvenor Street, I often stared at the massive high-voltage equipment behind the engineering…

Tenerife renewable energy
The Canary Islands are a perfect example of modern isolated power systems. The islands integrate…

Montenegro transmission lines
With over 80% of its territory covered by mountains, Montenegro has a power system supplied…

Scout Moor wind farm, Manchester
You may see the blurry silhouettes of this wind farm even from the south of…

Testing Electric Snowbike prototype at Skoltech
Almost every vehicle nowadays can be driven by electric motors, which are a quiet and…

PhD Thesis Defense
Finally, the moment has come! I have defended my Ph.D. thesis! At the beginning of…
Scout Moor wind farm, Manchester
You may see the blurry silhouettes of this wind farm even from the south of Manchester. But once you approach Bury and Edenfield, you start feeling the real amplitude of this engineering…
First publication in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
This is the most comprehensive paper I have written so far and one of the lengthiest publications in power systems research. The review evolved from my thesis (Chapter 2), where I analyzed…
Testing Electric Snowbike prototype at Skoltech
Almost every vehicle nowadays can be driven by electric motors, which are a quiet and powerful alternative to combustion engines. Their only issues are related to cost-effectiveness and electric batteries. My co-author,…
PhD Thesis Defense
Finally, the moment has come! I have defended my Ph.D. thesis! At the beginning of 2020, I had a plan to swiftly collect the results from my papers and compose the thesis…
Basin stability
What do you see in the picture? Actually, as it usually happens in science, you see nature. In this case – the basin stability of a one-node power system, where green nodes…
Cooperative Game Theory applications in power systems – citation network analysis
The new citation network analysis is ready as an introduction to the thesis. Further details will follow soon. An interactive version of the network is available at: http://materials.andreychurkin.ru/network2/ The network is built…
Cooperative Game Theory applications in power systems – seminars available on YouTube
I had a chance to participate in the “Energy systems and technologies” research seminars at Skoltech in February 2020. The two given talks provide a thorough introduction to Cooperative Game Theory applications…
Falling Walls Lab 2019, Berlin
I consider the Falling Walls Lab 2019 the most influential conference in my career so far. The strict format forced me to reshape the way of presenting research results and ideas. After…
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2019, Seattle
The city of Starbucks. Seattle seems to be proud of its famous coffee brand. The new cafes continue taking over the city. In downtown, each building has its own Starbucks cafe, sometimes…